Family Reunion-Fun times, Great Memories Made

For the several weeks leading up to our family reunion, I had that Corb Lund song stuck in my head “Family Reunion, It’s gonna be a good one”. Well, it definitely was! Some families have fairly frequent reunions. As for my Mother-in-law’s family, the Brodie’s, they’d never had one. It was more than time to have an event that brought everyone together for a happy party, and great visit.

It was a great time had by all. From sweet little babies, energetic kids, adults in their prime, to the folks who are well seasoned, everyone enjoyed themselves.


Summer Baby Kids Water fight Baby Cuddles


I had to chuckle at Uncle Laurie’s introductions, “Hi! How are your? What have you been up to the past 20 years?” was rather fitting. But the years, and distance quickly melt away, as family visits and reconnects with each other.

My mother and father-in-law hosted the reunion at the “Imrie Estate”, near High Prairie, AB. It was the perfect venue, with plenty of room for tents, and campers.

Kristi supplied us with her pool, which was a definite hit of the weekend, especially since it was +30C all weekend. All ages were grateful for the cool down. I had a great time having pool fights with the kids.


Pool party Pool fun

Courtney treated us to her face, and body painting, providing adornment for all ages.

Games are always a great way to spend time together, as the men demonstrated their skills at lawn darts, and the younger crowd made frisbee drinking games, and shooters a sport. (for a short time)

Lawn Darts game


Many ladies worked together each meal to ensure there was plenty to eat, and no one person had to do all the work. Dorothy and Deanne provided us with a lovely catered supper on Saturday evening, which was the perfect meal in the hot weather, and let all the family enjoy their afternoon.


Family Reunion Dinner


It’s always difficult to drag everyone away from their preferred activities for family portraits, but everyone indulged me. I mean, when are we all going to be together like this again?

Here is the whole crew.

Family Reunion Group Portrait


The Brodie siblings.

Family Reunion Portrait



Family Reunion Cousins Portrait


Grandkids, and Great-grandkids

Grandkids Group Portrait


The full moon graced us by shining down on our event. It had been a few years since I was in Northern Alberta during the summer, and I’d forgotten how the sky stays light so late, and is bright again so early. It was great to experience that again, as we stayed up late around the campfire.


Full Moon over canola field


Steven treated us all to a fireworks show on Saturday night, which was a real treat.




The fun had to wind down much too quickly on Sunday, as many had to get back to work for Monday morning. We enjoyed breakfast together, and then I supplied a Piñata for the kids. Beating stuff with a stick is always fun. It took some diligence to make sure the little ones got out of each other’s way, but despite mine, and Jean’s stress over the children’s safety, they had a great time.


FamilyReunion-552 FamilyReunion-562

A wonderful time was had, and great memories made. There is talk of making it a tradition……..

Until we meet again, best wishes to all:)

One Response to “Family Reunion-Fun times, Great Memories Made”

  1. Donna Beaven

    awesome . Love the way you put these pictures together

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