Celebrating The Last Year of High School

Here’s a throwback from a few years ago of a High School Seniors session, taken for a family friend.

Lindsay had just finished High School, and these portraits were taken in the late summer, just before she embarked on her new life-College adventures, living away from home for the first time, and the thrill of being a small town girl, going to live in the big city.

I love how these Senior portraits really capture Lindsay at this major turning point in her life. She’s a self-confidant, beautiful young woman, beaming with the radiant optimism of youth, and the true belief that all of her dreams and goals are possible, with some ambition and hard work.

There’s only a hint of shyness, as she contemplates what her future may hold, and the challenges she may have to face.

High School Seniors Portrait


Not much longer a girl in her parent’s home, these lifestyle Portraits capture Lindsay pursuing one of her passions-Art, and drawing.


Lifestyle Teen Portraits


These were taken in her parent’s yard, as she reflects on her many happy memories here.

Casual High School Seniors Portraits High_School_Seniors-4


We then went across the road to Lindsay’s Grandparent’s farm to capture some images at this childhood refuge, and origin of many happy moments.


Teen Portraits


Out in the big open field, as Lindsay contemplates endless possibilities, and dreams.

Teen Portrait in a Wheat Field


I have never understood why, but Senior Portrait Sessions, such as this, have not yet caught on here in Canada. In the United States, High School Senior Sessions are all the rage, with every young person and their family investing in this type of session, to have these fleeting moments documented, at this amazing turning point in their young person’s life.

Here in Canada, the majority of families are content to allow the major corporation Life-Touch, to spend 15 minutes with their Grad, and those are the only Portraits captured of each High School Senior, during this amazing transition in their life.

If you will be Graduating this 2014/15 school year, or if you are the family of a Grad, I’d like to offer you something different. An alternative to mundane, run-of-the-mill Grad Portraits. I’d love the opportunity to capture each Grad as an individual, spending 1-3 hours creating portraits showing who they really are. Up to 2 locations, outfit changes, and personal props to show each High School Seniors’ interests, hobbies, and personality. (Before they leave home, and are out in the big wide world on their own). I hope you’ll give me that opportunity. I know you’ll be glad you did!

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