Winter Kids Portraits

Let It Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow…

Today was our annual, “Let’s try to get a decent winter portrait of you boys in time for Christmas”, kids portrait session, with my boys. It was a gorgeous wintery day, with perfect conditions, at my home studio near Millarville, so we went outside to make the most of it.

Beautiful, fluffy, fat snowflakes, and warm temperatures, made for excellent portrait taking conditions.

Then it was just a matter of trying to find some outdoor winter clothing suitable for a Christmas portrait:)

The boys were cooperative models, but mostly I just let them do their own thing, and be themselves, allowing for some fun, candid portraits.

Winter Kids Portraits Kids Christmas Portraits

Kids Winter Portraits

Kids Winter Portraits

Kids Winter Portraits

I love these candid portraits of the boys giving each other some brotherly love.

Brotherly Love

After weeks of warm, Chinook weather, the boys were super excited to see snow again. We just hope it stays for Christmas.

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