foothills children's portraits

Bubbly Baby Fun near Millarville, AB

Yesterday was Baby K’s ten month portrait session in his year long series of Watch Me Grow portraits. I think it was one of his favourite sessions ever;) It’s been so much fun capturing portraits of Baby K, and it’s hard to believe he’s already ten months old. Time really does fly with little ones.

Baby K came out to my home studio near Millarville, with his mom and sister, to enjoy my gorgeous view, and have it included as the scenic backdrop for their portraits. We’re so fortunate to live in such a beautiful spot in the foothills, and I’m always more than happy to include this spectacular scenery in my clients portraits.

We were only able to capture a few portraits of Baby K with his mom and big sister, before he gave us some challenges. It was already well above 20 degrees on this fabulous June morning , and our little star was already thirsty and hungry. But after a quick drink and snack, he was ready for action again.

Foothills Children's portraits

Baby K and Big Sister S were my first friends to try out our new swing, that my husband and father-in-law set up this past weekend. They seemed to really enjoy it.

Millarville children's portraits

Baby K was getting fussy again, so we moved onto our Grand Finale, rustic portraits in the tub. I’d had this old galvanized tub for years, and had patiently waited for the perfect day to use it in a child’s portrait session. Baby K’s mom was certain it would be a hit, as her little man loves baths, and water.

We had thought that a clothes line in the background would make a great addition to our scene. Baby K’s mom had the wonderful idea of including some of his special outfits from this past year on the clothes line. Some of the keepsake outfits displayed on the clothesline were Baby K’s dad’s, when he was a baby.

Of all Baby K’s sessions, I believe this one was his favourite. He was thrilled to have an outdoor bubble bath to play in. He giggled and laughed as he splashed in his tub. Big sister S joined in to give him a wash. The bubbly fun lasted for quite some time.

Millarville baby portraits foothills children's portraits Candid baby portraits


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