Fall Baby Portraits

Watch Me Grow-Two Month Old Baby Portrait Session

Yesterday was Baby K’s Two Month Old-Watch Me Grow Session. How quickly two months have passed, and Baby K has grown a lot already since his Newborn Session.

It was a gorgeous fall day here in the Foothills, with the autumn colors in their full glory, the perfect day for our on-location session in Millarville. Baby K’s mom understandably wanted to incorporate autumn and Thanksgiving into his portraits. Gathering a bit of inspiration from Pinterest, she provided the pumpkin props for these portraits. Their neighbor, whose yard is gorgeous, happily agreed to allow us to shoot in her yard, and make use of the beautiful shrubbery and foliage.

We set up the props, and I shot fast, as Baby K was not too sure about being plunked into a pumpkin. He was a good sport for several minutes, allowing me to get some great shots of him, and a few with Big Sister S, before deciding that he really was not happy about the whole pumpkin thing.

Fall Baby Portraits Fall Baby Portraits Sibling Baby Portraits


After he made up his mind that he was not happy, we had a hard time getting him to be happy again. He did co-operate for a few family portraits, before deciding it was all too much. He really just wanted to cuddle, and have a nap. Since babies really do run the show:) we of course let him have his way. I tagged along to get some nice lifestyle images of Baby K, enjoying his nap and cuddles.

Happy Thanksgiving Baby K and family. We promise not to put you into any more pumpkins:)


Family Baby Portraits candid baby portraits


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